Newly Approved IGFA World Records

To see all newly approved IGFA World Records since July 2024, please click here.

Emma Pickworth Sets IGFA Women鈥檚 15-kg (30 lb) Line Class World Record for Narrowbarred Mackerel

On March 6, 2024, Emma Pickworth, fishing out of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, landed an impressive 33-kilogram (72-pound, 12-ounce) narrowbarred mackerel. This catch has earned Emma the IGFA Women鈥檚 15-kg (30 lb) Line Class World Record for the species. The massive mackerel struck while Emma was trolling, and after a 45-minute battle, she successfully brought it boatside. Back at port, Emma weighed the record-setting fish on a certified scale.


Vicki Martin Sets IGFA Women鈥檚 1-kg (2 lb) Line Class World Record with Brown Trout

On May 17, 2024, Vicki Martin landed a stunning 1.81-kilogram (4-pound) brown trout while fishing the White River in Arkansas, USA. This catch has earned Vicki the IGFA Women鈥檚 1-kg (2 lb) Line Class World Record for the species. With the help of guide Craig Yowell, Vicki landed the record trout after a 6-minute fight. She recorded its weight on a certified scale before safely releasing the trout back into the river.


Randy Ritter Achieves IGFA Men鈥檚 6-kg (12 lb) Tippet Class World Record with Sheepshead

On May 21, 2024, Randy Ritter set the IGFA Men鈥檚 6-kg (12 lb) Tippet Class World Record for sheepshead while fishing the flats of Hopedale, Louisiana, USA. The 3.09-kilogram (6-pound, 13-ounce) sheepshead struck Randy's crab fly while he was fishing with guide Miles LaRose. After landing the fish, Randy returned to Skiff Supply Fly Shop to record its weight on a certified scale.


Daniel Caricaburu-Lundin Sets IGFA All-Tackle Length World Record for Tiger Muskellunge

On May 20, 2024, Daniel Caricaburu-Lundin made headlines by landing a 115-centimeter tiger muskellunge at Ackley Lake, Montana, USA. This catch earned him the IGFA All-Tackle Length World Record for the species. Casting a Click-Bait 鈥淜oke Glide,鈥 Daniel enticed the muskie and landed it after a brief but intense fight. He measured the fish with his official IGFA Measuring Device before safely releasing it.


Jan Forszpaniak Breaks IGFA Men鈥檚 6-kg (12 lb) Tippet Class World Record for Milkfish

On April 18, 2024, IGFA Representative Jan Forszpaniak landed a 9.07-kilogram (20-pound) milkfish while fishing off Christmas Island, Kiribati. This impressive catch set the IGFA Men鈥檚 6-kg (12 lb) Tippet Class World Record for the species. After a 20-minute battle, Jan returned to shore to record the weight on his certified scale. Jan remarked that milkfish are formidable opponents, known for their endurance and resistance to tiring quickly compared to other species.